Please find the tentative schedule of the 2022 Admission below.
Students can choose the time period that is applicable to them.
Please apply directly to the program
and send docutment by contacting the program through email for Active Recruitment.
step 1
update infomation : 25/05/2022
Application Period
Announcement of
qualified candidates for the interview
Interview Date
Announcement of successful candidates
18 Oct - 14 Nov 21
17 Nov 21
21 Nov 21
24 Nov 21
active 2.2
7 Mar - 15 Apr 22
20 Apr 22
24 Apr 22
27 Apr 22
Application Period
Announcement of
qualified candidates for the interview
Interview Date
Announcement of successful candidates
active 1
active 2.1
15 Nov 21- 7 Jan 22
12 Jan 22
16 Jan 22
19 Jan 22
10 Jan - 4 Mar 22
9 Mar 22
13 Mar 22
16 Mar 22
active 4
17 Apr - 4 Jun 22
6 Jun 22
9 Jun 22
10 Jun 22
(ตามเวลาTCAS รอบ 4)
tcas r.4
please visit details at
step 2
Recent 1-inch photograph
A copy of the citizen ID for a Thai applicant, or a copy of the passport for an international applicant.
A copy of house registration for Thai applicants only.
A copy of official transcript of high school education (or its equivalent.)
A confirmation letter from the applicant’s school for an applicant who is currently studying in his last semester.
Copies of standard test reports as required by the specific application type such as: – Original score report of English proficiency (TOEFL / IELTS / TU-GET / CU-TEP )
หมายเหตุ : หากนักศึกษาประสบปัญหาไม่สามารถยื่นผลสอบภาษาอังกฤษได้ทันในวันสมัคร ทางหลักสูตรสามารถผ่อนผันการยื่นคะแนนผลภาษาอังกฤษ ได้ก่อนวันรับรหัสนิสิตนักศึกษา(ซึ่งจะประกาศให้ทราบในลำดับถัดไป) มิเช่นนั้นนักศึกษาจำเป็นต้องเรียนโหมดภาษาอังกฤษเพิ่มเติมเพื่อปรับพื้นฐาน
Remarks : Students who are not able to submit their English Proficiency Score on the date of admission, the program can differ it to a later date (before the student registration period which will be announced later). Students who failed to submit the English Score, will need to study an additional English course. -
Copies of score report of Mathematics Standardized Test (specifically for type B – DD & CT)
Statement of purpose (specifically for CT)
Portfolio (Applicable to the majors that candidate is applying for)
For the complete admission process, students are required to have these documentations.
English proficiency
In order to apply, students will need to have one of the English Proficiency score. The minimum requirement can be found below in the Standard Requirement (A). However, in some cases, students with scores that is lower than the standard level but have excellent portfolio(75% or above) or GPAX score(3.00 or above) , students can use the Students with Excellent Condition requirement (B) as a reference point.
step 3
A) Standard Requirement
B) Students with Excellent Condition

High School minimum requirement
In addition, students are to apply with a high school requirement. If they can provide a 5 or 7 semesters GPAX transcript provided by their high-school, students can use type A found below. However, they will need to have the minimum GPAX of 2.50 for DD and 2.75 for CT. In other cases, students with GPAX that is lower than the Type A asking score or students who are applying with GED or its high school equivalent will need to have one of the Standard Mathematics
Test score in addition. The minimum requirement can be found below.
step 4
A) GPAX from high school

B) Standard Test Score

Students will need to prepare a portfolio for the application as well as for the interview. For DD’s application process, students can send in a pdf file with their other documents to our official line account or our email address. After that, students are required to bring the original pieces to the interview day. For CT’s applicants, the students can also bring their activity portfolio on the interview day.
step 5
Digital Design: Animation and Visual Effects Major (AV)
Minimum of 10 pieces of drawings in both Traditional and Creative style
Digital Design: Game Design and Production (GDP)
Game Analysis Essay on candidate’s selected game (500-1000 words estimate). The essay should include the overview of the game as well as in depth analysis on the game mechanic and game play.
Creative Technology: Interactive Simulation (IS) and
Game Engineering (GE)
Candidate need to prepare an academic portfolio outlining the activities, awards, certificates that show student’s relevance and interests to the program.
Candidate need to also submit a Statement of Purpose outlining the reasons they wish to study ‘Creative Technology’, their understanding of the program, their passion towards computer, technology, science or mathematics. The candidate will need to also state their future career outlook. The essay should be approximately 1 page long.