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CREATIVE Technology [Curriculum 2024]

DD100          Introduction to Psychology for Digital Media                 3 (3-0-6)

             This course introduces fundamental concepts in psychology including perception, cognition, personality and social psychology, and biological aspects of behavior that have an impact on the traditional and digital communication.


DT100           Fundamentals of Mathematics for Computer Graphics   3 (3-0-6)

                   Algebra and trigonometry concepts, vector geometry and linear transformations. Topics covered in this course include vector arithmetic, dot product, cross product, and representations of lines and planes in three-space. Linear transformation topics include rotations, reflections, shears and projections, matrix representations of linear transformation, quaternions, application of affine geometry and affine transformations in computer graphics.

DT101     Fundamentals of Mathematics for Computer Graphics Lab             1 (0-2-1)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied with DT100

             Practicum to enhance programming knowledge in DT100


DT110     Applied Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1                        4 (4-0-8)

             Calculus of a single real variable. Topics include limits and continuous functions, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, the chain rule, implicit differentiation, higher-order derivatives, Rolle’s theorem, the mean-value theorem, applications of the derivative, differentials and applications, anti-derivatives, indefinite integrals, formula of integration, integration by change variables, Riemann sum, definite integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus.

DT130           Project Introduction                                                  4 (0-8-4)

             Introduction to game development, game process, game history and game industry.  This course focuses on team building, creating game or simulation as a team. 


DT131           Project                                                                   4 (0-8-4)

             This course introduces methods for working effectively on a team, coding best practices, team communication, legal issues of game industry and game marketing.  Students work as a group to make a simple two-dimensional game or simulation Study Generative AI Tools to produce graphics assets and Large language model AI tools to construct story line and generate game design ideas.


DT160           High Level Programming                                            3 (3-0-6)

             Foundation of high-level programming courses and projects. Topics covered in this course includes control flow, decision making, case selection, procedure iteration, basic data types, array, memory and pointer, structure, string and file. Study AI Code Tools to help generate code and finding flaws in the source code.


DT161           High Level Programming Lab                                      1 (0-2-1)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied with DT160

             Practicum to enhance programming knowledge in DT160


DT162           Object-Oriented Programming                                    3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisites: Have taken DT160

             Introduction to C++ language and object-oriented programming.  Topics covered in this course includes differences between C and C++, namespaces, function and operator overloading, classes, abstract data types, encapsulation, inheritance, templates, and fundamental STL components. Study AI Code Tools to help generate code and finding flaws in the source code.


DT163           Object-Oriented Programming Lab                              1 (0-2-1)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied with DT162

                   Practicum to enhance programming knowledge in DT162


DT170           Game Design and Implementation Techniques              3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied together with DT162

Introduce interactive graphic programming and game engine architecture.  Topics covered in this course includes game flow, game loop, system component, game state management, input/output handler, state machine, collision detection, scene management and 2D rendering.  Students learn how to implement 2D games or interactive graphic applications. Study AI Code Tools to help generate code and finding flaws in the source code.


DT180           Computer Organization and Architecture                      3 (3-0-6)

             Fundamental elements of computer.  Topics covered in this course includes number systems and computation, electricity and basic circuits, logic circuits, memory, computer architecture, and operating systems.  Students learn how to implement operational code and assembly languages on a hardware platform, such as a personal computer or an autonomous vehicle.

DT181           Computer Organization and Architecture Lab               1 (0-2-1)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied with DT180

             Practicum to enhance programming knowledge in DT180


DT200     Applied Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2                        4 (4-0-8)

Prerequisite: Used to study DT110

             This course is a continuation of DT110. Topics covered includes applications of the integral in physics and geometry. Techniques of integration. Sequences and series of real numbers. Power series and Taylor series. Introduction to concepts in multivariable and vector calculus.

DT201           Linear Algebra                                                         3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: Used to study DT200

             Mathematical foundations of linear algebra.   Topics covered in this course includes matrix algebra and linear systems of equations as well as basics of linear transformations in Euclidean spaces, determinants, and the Gauss-Jordan Algorithm, abstract vector spaces, linear independence and bases, orthogonality, change of basis, general theory of linear transformations, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors, least-squares approximations, Fourier transforms and differential equations.


DT210           Dynamics                                                                4 (4-0-8)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied together with DT200

             Fundamental principles of mechanics, including kinematics, Newtonian dynamics, work and energy, momentum, and rotational motion.  Students experience with the laws of basic physics involving linear motion, force, gravitation, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, collisions, rotational motion, and springs.


DT211           Dynamics Lab                                                          1 (0-2-1)

Prerequisite: Used to study or studied with DT210

             Practicum to enhance programming knowledge in DT210


DT230           Advance Project 1                                                    4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisite: Used to study DT100  DT131  DT162

             Students work as a group to make a two dimensional game or simulation.   Students work on implementing technical features, such as sprite animations, scene management, audio, music playback, objects movement, simple artificial intelligence, same-machine multiplayer (networking is not allowed), particle systems, scrolling, and simple physics. Study Generative AI Tools to produce graphics assets and Large language model AI tools to construct story line and generate game design ideas.

DT231           Advance Project 2                                                    4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisite: Used to study  DT260 and have taken DT230                

             Students continue and complete the project in DT230.


DT247           Theory and Principles of Game Design 1                                 3 (3-0-6)

             Fundamental of game design and game mechanics such as randomness, game state, hidden information. Introduction to specification design, game rules, playtesting and game balance. Study Large language model AI tools to construct story line and generate game design ideas.


DT257           Theory and Principles of Game Design 2                      3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT247

             Analyze and simulate interactive game systems. Introduction to system analysis and simulation, game balance, combat systems, and economic systems. Study Large language model AI tools to construct story line and generate game design ideas.


DT260           Advance Programming                                              3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT162

             This course is built on the first two high-level programming courses (CS 120 and CS 170).  It focus on advanced topics of the C/C++ programming language in greater detail.  Topics covered in this course includes advanced pointer manipulation, utilizing multi-dimensional arrays, complex declarations, and standard library functions, class and function templates, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, runtime type information, the standard template library, and performance issues. Study AI Code Tools to help generate code and finding flaws in the source code.


DT261           Data Structures                                                        3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT260

                  Introduction to abstract data types.  Topic covered algorithms for data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs.  The course also examine algorithms complexity of these data structures.


DT280           Operating Systems                                                   3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT180  และDT162                                 

             Overview of modern operating systems.  Topics covered in this course includes computer organization and design, process management, threading, interprocess communication, process synchronization, and memory management.


DT284           Computer Graphics 1                                                3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT162 and DT100

            Mathematics, data structures and algorithms for creating, animating and viewing 2D graphic primitives.  Topics covered in this course include scan conversion algorithms for rasterizing 2D primitives such as lines, circles, ellipses, triangles, and arbitrary polygons, interpolation techniques, transformations, culling, clipping, simple animation techniques, 2D viewing pipeline and introduction to concept of generative AI in computer graphics and its applications in 2D graphics.  Students learn how to implement 2D graphics applications and explore some techniques for generating procedural textures and patterns using generative AI models.  Preparing the students with the knowledge background for learning 3D applications. 


DT285           Computer Graphics 2                                                3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT284

       Mathematics, data structures and algorithms for creating, animating and viewing 3D graphic objects.  Topics covered in this course include 3D graphics pipeline, 3D representation, transformations, key frame animation, intersection testing, simple illumination and shading, GPU Programming, and introduction to generative AI techniques for generating 3D models. Students learn how to implement 3D graphics applications and explore the use of generative AI for procedurally generating realistic or stylized 3D environments, objects, or characters.

DT300   Discrete Structures                                                           3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT200

             Several mathematical topics that are the foundation of computer sciences. Topics covered in this course includes propositional and first order logic, mathematical proof and reasoning, basic set theory, number theory, enumeration, recurrence relations, mathematical induction, generating functions, and basic probability, graph theory, asymptotic analysis, and finite automata.


DT328           Graphic and User Experience Design                            3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT162

             Explore elements of visual design and apply them to computer user interfaces. Analyze various types of sensory interfaces and create representations of information valuable to a system user. Examine overall enjoyment of the user experience, consideration towards relating the user experience to the theme of the game or system. Usage of various industry-standard languages related to prototype interfaces. Study Generative AI Tools to generate graphics user interface design.

DT330     Special Topic for Interactive Simulation 1                          4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisites: used to study  DT284  or used to study or study together with DT387, DT261, DT231, DT210

             Students work as a group to make an advanced game or simulation.  Students can create 2D games or 3D games using graphics API.   Students focus on implementing computer graphics features, such as simple 3D scene management, 3D rendering pipeline, animations and physic system. Students may also implement computer sciences feature such as artificial intelligence, networking,

ns. Identify barriers to working effectively within a multidisciplinary team.

DT331           Special Topic for Interactive Simulation 2                    4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisites: have taken DT330

             Students continue and complete their project in DT330.


DT332           Field Training                                                           3 (>=120)

             Internship in an institute or industry for at least 120 hours.


DT333           Experiential Learning Preparation                                3 (0-9-6)

             Concepts, processes, rules, and regulations of Experiential Learning. Basic knowledge and techniques in job application. Basic knowledge, techniques, and communication for working in an institute or industry.


DT334     Special Topic for Game Engineering 1                                4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisites: used to study DT284  or used to study or study together with DT387, DT261, DT231, DT210

             Students work as a group to make an advanced game or simulation.  Students can create 2D games or 3D games using graphics API.   Students work on implementing technical features of game mechanics, game levels and game behaviors, connecting with graphics engines and may implements computer science technical features such as artificial intelligence and networking.


DT335           Special Topic for Game Engineering 2                          4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisite: used to study DT334

             Students continue and complete their project in DT334.


DT347           Game Space and Camera Design                                 3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT162

             Design 2D and 3D game spaces and camera design. Introduction to spatial archetypes, spatial affordances, map design. Introduction to 2D and 3D game level and camera design. Study Generative AI Tools to generate game level and interior design


DT357           Game Prototyping                                                     3 (3-0-6)       

Prerequisite: used to study DT162  and DT247

             Design and implement game prototypes in common genres. Topics in game design including building tension, effective methods for giving feedback and teaching players, and using interactive elements to create player engagement. Study Generative AI Tools to generate game conceptual art


DT360           Basic Theory in Artificial Intelligence                            3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT261

             Focus on AI algorithms that are commonly used in game.  Topics covered in this course include movement, path finding, decision tree, state machines, behavior tree, learning and minimaxing.  Students learn how to implement game AI algorithms and integrated them into theirs games.


DT361           Design and Analysis of Algorithms                               3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT200, DT260, DT261

             Introduction to problem solving. Techniques for designing algorithms and for analyzing the time and space efficiency of algorithms. Topics covered in this course includes divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph traveling, backtracking, branch and bound, sorting, searching, randomized algorithms and NP problems.


DT366           Low-Level Programming                                             3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study DT180, DT280

             Introduction to modern microprocessor architectures.  Topics covered in this course includes computer architecture and modern assembly languages.  Students learn how to implement assembly language in order to understand how CPU work, how compiler work and how to optimize high-level language programs.


DT377           Software Engineering                                                  3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

    Topics include system architecture, security, methodologies and notation, UML, object-oriented analysis and design, requirements analysis, implementation, verification, validation, maintenance, and software engineering standards. Risk management and iterative design receive special emphasis. Student teams apply acquired knowledge to a substantial project.


DT378           Introduction to Databases                                          3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT162

Overview of database systems.  Topics covered in this course include database architectures, data modeling, query languages, design schemes, transaction management and file organizations.  Students learn how to create and deploy a database and to process data.


DT384           Advanced Computer Graphics 1                                 3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT285

             Introduction to GPU architecture, programing, and graphics API.  Focus on real-time rendering techniques such as shading model, lighting model, texture mapping, mapping techniques, shadow.  Students learn how to implement real-time rendering techniques with graphics API and shader code. Explore techniques for using generative AI to generate realistic or artistic lighting effects in 3D scenes.


DT385           Advanced Computer Graphics 2                                 3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT384

          Introduction to GPU architecture, programing, and graphics API.  Focus on real-time rendering techniques such as shading model, lighting model, texture mapping, mapping techniques, shadow.  Students learn how to implement real-time rendering techniques with graphics API and shader code. Explore techniques for using generative AI to generate realistic or artistic lighting effects in 3D scenes.


DT386           Computer Networks                                                  3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT280 and DT260

             Introduction to network communications, network standards, client-server models, internet protocol, TCP/IP and network management.  Students learn how to implement program the can send and receive data using networks libraries.


DT387           Introduction to Computer Graphics                             3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT162

This class presents overview of 3D computer graphics. Topics include fundamental components of graphics engine, graphics pipeline, 3D transformation operations, viewing and projection, lighting and shading models, surface detail techniques, hidden object culling and removal techniques, 3D object modeling. Introduction to popular graphics programming languages (such as GDI plus, OpenGL, DirectX) and shader programming.


DT404           Selected Topics in Sciences for Game Development 1   3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in sciences that are related to game development. 


DT405           Selected Topics in Sciences for Game Development 2   3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in sciences that are related to game development.  


DT406           Selected Topics in Mathematics for Game Development 1       3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in mathematics that are related to game development. 


DT407           Selected Topics in Mathematics for Game Development 2       3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in mathematics that are related to game development. 


DT430           Special Topic 3                                                        4 (0-8-4)

Prerequisites: used to study  DT331 or DT335

          Students work as a group to make an advanced game or simulation.  Students work on implementing technical features, such as advanced 3D scene management, special rendering effect, advanced artificial intelligence behavior, networking, complex animations and physic system.


DT432           Experiential Learning I: Project                                    4 (0-12-8)

Prerequisite: used to study or study together with DT333

          Implement a game, simulation or computer graphics project assigned by an institute or industry. Create an appropriate report to describe the details of the project.


DT433           Experiential Learning II: Routine work                           3 (0-9-6)

Prerequisite:  used to study DT333

          Learning and practicing skills in developing games, simulations or computer graphics programs by working full-time in an institute or industry.


DT444           Selected Topics in Game Design 1                              3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in game design. 


DT445           Selected Topics in Game Design 2                              3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in game design. 

DT446           Selected Topics in User Experience Design and User Research   3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in user interface design, user experience design or user research. 


DT447           2D and 3D Game Design                                            3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT357

             Study game design and game implementation using a 3D engine. Create a game with one or more levels from start to finish, including modifications to game mechanics, controls, and cameras. Topics including aesthetics, environment building, lighting, texturing, resource placement, player guidance, player controls, camera controls, scripting, and game mechanics in 3D. Study Generative AI Tools to generate game conceptual art and Large language model AI tools to construct story line and generate game design ideas.


DT465     Physical Simulation for Computer Graphics         3 (3-0-6)

                   Prerequisite: used to study  DT210, DT260

       Mathematics and Physics background on laws of motion.  Topics covered in this course include particle-based physics system, mass aggregate physics, mass-spring system, constraints, rigid-body physics, collision detections, collision resolution and friction.  Students learn how to implement physic simulation projects. Introduce generative AI techniques for simulating natural phenomena in computer graphics, such as fluid simulations, particle systems, or cloth simulations and ethical implications and considerations.


DT466           Introduction to Interactive Sound Synthesis                  3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260, DT261

This course covers real-time dynamic sound synthesis, 3D auditory effects, and sonic ambience used in real-time simulations and video games. Other topics creating different kinds of sounds such as collision sounds, wind effect, natural and ambient sounds using techniques including additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, granular synthesis and layering and spectral filtering, 3D spatialized surround sound panning, interaural time difference, interaural intensity difference, and Head Related Transforms (HRTFS). Students also study algorithms and techniques for real-time multi-threaded programming and synthesized sound integration for game engines. Explore generative AI techniques that can generate realistic and dynamic sounds and implications in real-time sound synthesis.


DT467           Selected Topics in Computer Science 1                       3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

             Study current topics of interest in Computer Science. 


DT468           Selected Topics in Computer Science 2                       3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

             Study current topics of interest in Computer Science. 


DT469           Selected Topics in Computer Science 3                       3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

             Study current topics of interest in Computer Science. 


DT474           Image Processing                                                      3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260, DT261

             Introduction to mathematics and algorithms for image processing.  Topics covered in this course include image, introduction to mathematics and algorithms for image processing.  Topics covered in this course include image acquisition, image operations, filters, Fourier transform, Wavelet transform, working on frequency domain, color models, image-based rendering methods and high dynamic-range imaging.  Students learn how to implement various image processing algorithms and apply them to create image processing applications.


DT475           Animation and Modeling                                           3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT384 or DT387, DT260

             Introduction to theories and techniques of 3D modeling, algorithms for specifying and generating motion for graphical objects:  key framing, a behavior-based technique, forward kinematic and inverse kinematics.  Students use 3D content creation software or write their own programs to create simple animation. Explore generative AI algorithms that can assist in generating 3D models, textures, or animations procedurally and ethical implications and considerations.


DT476           Selected Topics in Computer Science 4                       3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

             Study current topics of interest in Computer Science. 


DT481           Selected Topics in Arificial Intelligence and Machine Learning  3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT260

             Study current topics of interest in Arificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

DT484           Selected Topics in Computer Graphics                         3 (3-0-6)

Prerequisite: used to study  DT284 or DT387

             Study current topics of interest in Computer Graphics.


DT494     Selected Topics in Art Music and Animation Production                 3 (3-0-6)

             Study current topics of interest in Art Music and Animation Production. 

General Education

​GEN 101    Physical Education                                                                                 1(0–2–2)
   This course aims to study and practice sports for health, principles of exercise, care and prevention of athletic injuries, and nutrition and sports science, including basic skills in sports with rules and strategy from popular sports. Students can choose one of several sports provided, according to their own interest. This course will create good health, personality and sportsmanship in learners, as well as develop awareness of etiquette of playing, sport rules, fair play and being good spectators.


GEN 111    Man and Ethics of Living                                                                       3(3-0-6)
   This course studies the concept of living and working based on KMUTT’s Mission to develop its students to be the best academically, to have morality and work ethics, and to demonstrate the KMUTT vision and mission through the use of knowledge and integrative learning approaches. Students will be able to gain KMUTT’s desirable vision of the University such as, social responsibility, KMUTT Citizenship, professional skills, and to apply knowledge toward life in KMUTT and beyond for the benefit of themselves and others.

GEN 121    Learning and Problem Solving Skills                                                    3(3-0-6)
   This course aims to equip students with the skills necessary for life-long learning. Students will learn how to generate positive thinking, manage knowledge and be familiar with learning processes through projects based on their interest. These include setting up learning targets; defining the problems; searching for information; distinguishing between data and fact; generating ideas, thinking creatively and laterally; modeling; evaluating; and presenting the project.

GEN 201    Art and Science of Cooking and Eating                                               3(3-0-6)
   This course aims to change students’ eating behavior, safely select ingredients and ready-made dishes, develop cooking skills with neatness, beauty and efficiency, know how to use, preserve and consume foods, and use food containers with suitability, neatness and environment-friendliness. Additionally, the students can employ their creativity to create new menus or “Fusion Food” from the combination of various cultures.


GEN 211    The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy                                                3(3-0-6)
   This course emphasizes the application of previous Thai economic development approaches, the problems and impacts of the development, the rationale for applying the concept of sufficiency economy to Thai society, the meaning and fundamental concept of the philosophy of sufficiency economy, and the application of this philosophy to lifestyles at individual, community, organization, and national levels. The study covers relevant case studies as well as the Royal Projects.

GEN 212    Mind Development through Buddhism for a Fulfilling Life                  3(2-2-6)
   This course aims to foster spiritual growth and develops equanimity, compassion and happiness, which are the foundations for the wisdom to understand the true nature of life. This will be done through contemplative practices in accordance with Mahasatipatthana 4 (The 4 foundations of mindfulness : Kayanupassana section). The learning process is based on the ‘learning by doing’ approach and will include talks about Samadhi, such as the benefits of Samadhi, how Samadhi can be used in daily life, Samadhi and work, the differences between Samadha and Vipassana, as well as other Dhamma topics that will be useful in daily life along with the Dhamma guidance for success and well-being in modern society.

GEN 222     Thai Society, Culture and Contemporary Issues                                   1 (0 – 2 – 2) (S / U)
   The class will give an introduction and orientation to Thailand. The course provides students with perception of Thailand focusing on culture, society and language. The structure of the course will be able to assist students to appreciate being in Thailand comparatively and also make connections with the broader field of features and trends of contemporary Thai society.
   Students are expected to engage in scientific, engineering challenges or in other technical field of choice. This part of the course consists of lectures, discussions and/or mini projects related to the context of Thailand and contemporary issues where students apply their scientific knowledge to tackle the given problems.

GEN 223    Disaster Preparedness                                                                             3(3-0-6)
   Disaster education is the multidisciplinary approach which integrated between technical science and social science. It aim to monitor the hazard, risk assessment, planning and mitigate the disaster based on inter-organizational crisis management framework which is characterized by four primary decision points (4Cs) as; 1) Cognition: detection of risk, 2) Communication: interpretation of risk for the immediate context, 3) Coordination: connect to multiple organizations in a wider area, and 4) Control: self-organization and mobilization of a collective to reduce risk. This subject may led the student have the capacity to coping with the complexity in the disaster by the flexibility. Moreover, the student may have the adaptability and the understanding both technology and social linkage while disaster are more frequency and more intensity

GEN 224    Liveable City                                                                                              3(3-0-6)
   This course aims to study conceptions of understanding and raising awareness to urban problems, social and cultural diversity in urban areas, as well as liveable city models. These conceptions could significantly support KMUTT graduates’ attitudes and awareness to their participation with urban problems as public space. It could also raise their viewpoints to public interests and urbanization together with their roles, responsibilities and acceptance for social diversity. In addition, this course has an idea for understanding and realization to Sustainable Development Goals–SDGs 2030 which becoming an important goal for international, national and university levels.

GEN 225    Reflective Journal Writing for Self-Improvement                                  3(1-4-4)
   This course aims to develop reflection journal writing of learners undergo to look back on their past learning experiences in workplaces. It emphasises the importance of soft skills for success in workplaces and helps students to develop their understand on social skill evaluation which is a necessary characteristic to perform efficiently in workplace. The analytical tools are self-evaluation and feedback from supervisors. Both strength and weakness are reported on their reflection journal. This include feedback from him or herself and external sources is helpful for developmental purposes, providing it to students to assist them in developing work skills and behaviors appropriately.

GEN 231    Miracle of Thinking                                                                                 3(3-0-6)
   This course aims to define the description, principle, value, concept and nature of thinking to enable developing students to acquire the skills of systematic thinking, systems thinking, critical thinking and analytical thinking. The Six Thinking Hats concept is included.  Moreover, idea connection/story line and writing are explored.  Examples or case studies are used for problem solving through systematic thinking using the knowledge of science and technology, social science, management, and environment, etc.

GEN 232    Community Based Research and Innovation                                        3(3-0-6)
   This course provides knowledge in scientific research methodology and design process for creating innovative projects. Students engaged in learning process by taking several field-trips to visit the local community nearby KMUTT campus to learn and understand problems encountered in community. The local communities are used as the social lab for the learning and as source of research questions that originated from the real-life problems in the communities. Students, then, design innovative method and write the research proposal that aims to solve the problem and create value for the community. The final section of the course requires students to organize the exhibition and presenting the project and through the pitching activity and poster presentation.      


GEN 241    Beauty of Life                                                                                           3(3-0-6)
   This course aims to promote the understanding of the relationship between humans and aesthetics amidst the diversity of global culture.  It is concerned with the perception, appreciation and expression of humans on aesthetics and value.  Students are able to experience learning that stimulates an understanding of the beauty of life, artwork, music and literature, as well as the cultural and natural environments.

GEN 242    Chinese Philosophy and Ways of Life                                                    3(3-0-6)
   This course introduces students to how Chinese philosophy could be applied to the context of everyday life and thus contributes to the beneficial development of mind, body and interactions with all things and environment. The course aims to cultivate positive attitude among students by placing emphasis on the right attitude to learning and skills that promote emotional intelligence. The focus is also concerned with achieving a better understanding of “physical health” through approaches of Taoism. The attention is also directed toward exploring principles that could lead to success with the primary focus on teamwork and leadership. In doing so, a diverse set of Chinese philosophical styles are provided as instruments for students to reflect on and improve their ways of living.

GEN 301    Holistic Health Development                                                                3(3-0-6)
   The objective of this course is to develop students’ holistic knowledge on heath development for good life quality. The course emphasizes both physical and mental health care promotion, including composition of wellness;factors affecting health; integrated health care; nutrition; immunity strengthening; sanitation; competent reinforcement of physical activities to empower the smartpersonality and the smart mind, and to facilitate healthy and balanced emotional development; preventing and solving problems on mental health; practices in concentration, meditation and self-understanding; definition of wellness by WHO; and information on general health check up and physical fitness tests.

GEN 311    Ethics in Science-based Society                                                            3(3-0-6)
   This course will explore a variety of ethical and social issues in science and technology. Students will study basic theories of ethics from the West and the East. They will learn how to apply these theories to contemporary cases. They will be asked to critically evaluate the role of the scientist in society, and to become aware of complex ethical issues facing scientists in different professions. Case studies will be used extensively throughout the course, with an emphasis on critical debate. The goal of the course is to enable each student to develop an understanding of conflicting opinions regarding science and technology, and to define and refine their own ethical code of conduct based on evaluation of arguments from differing viewpoints.

GEN 321    The History of Civilization                                                                      3(3-0-6)
   This subject covers the study of the origin and development of civilization during the five historical periods—prehistoric, ancient, middle age, modern, and the present period.  The study will focus on significant social, economic and political events resulting from values and attitudes due to customs, beliefs and innovations, including the ability to communicate through art and literature based on several perspectives and periods.


GEN 331    Man and Reasoning                                                                               3(3-0-6)
   The purpose of this course is to develop analytical thinking skills and reasoning; deductive and inductive approaches; reasoning approaches of the East and the West; and, a case study of formal and informal reasoning of everyday life. 


GEN 332    Science Storytelling                                                                               3(3-0-6)
   This course aims at developing storytelling skills in science for different target groups effectively. Learners will get to practice how to identify the point of a story, how to organize the flow of thoughts for storytelling, and how to creatively tell a story in a variety of ways.​


GEN 341    Thai Indigenous Knowledge                                                                 3(3-0-6)
   This is a study of indigenous knowledge in different regions of Thailand with a holistic approach, including analyses from scientific, technological, social science and anthropological perspectives. Students will learn how to appreciate the value of indigenous knowledge and recognize the ways in which such knowledge has been accumulated—lifelong learning of indigenous people and knowledge transfer between generations.  Students will learn to become systematic, self-taught learners.

GEN 351    Modern Management and Leadership                                                 3(3-0-6)
   This course examines the modern management concept including basic functions of management—planning, organizing, controlling, decision-making, communication, motivation, leadership, human resource management, management of information systems, social responsibility and its application to particular circumstances.

GEN 352    Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development                  3(3-0-6)
   This course is the study of the definitions, concepts and roles of technology and innovation in the creation of wealth, and their impact on society and humanity. The course will explore the policies, strategies, and tools for synthesizing and developing technology and innovation for a wisdom-based society together with ethics in management. Students will study the exploitation and protection of intellectual property as a result of technology and innovation.

GEN 353  Managerial Psychology                                                                             3(3-0-6)
   This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of psychology and management of human behavior in an organization, including psychological factors and their effect on human working behavior such as attitude, communication, social influences and motivation. Moreover, it will incorporate organizational behavior modification, conflict management, and leadership and organizational effectiveness.


GEN 411    Personality Development and Public Speaking                                   3(2-2-6)
   This course aims at developing public speaking skills and personalities of students. The course will cover a diverse range of abilities and skills such as good manners, attire, social rules, communication psychology, and verbal and non-verbal languages. Students are expected to gain these useful skills, including giving reasons, discussion, negotiation, persuasion, presentation, and application of technology for communication.

GEN 412    Science and Art of Living and Working                                                 3(3-0-6)
   The concepts covered are the science and art of living and working, personality, social expression, temperance, critical thinking and reasoning, problem solving, value of living, self-development, social and self-responsibility, creating a healthy life and work, and the art of living and working with others.

GEN 421    Integrative Social Sciences                                                                     3(3-0-6)
   This course integrates four major contents in social sciences, i.e., society and culture, economics, politics and laws, and the environment. The course also covers interesting contemporary social issues, such as ethnic problems, resource distribution, political instability, and environmental deterioration.

GEN 441    Culture and Excursion                                                                             3(2-2-6)
   This course aims to encourage students to learn and understand culture and culture exchange on both local and international aspects. Students will comprehend the diversities of ways of life through excursion-based learning, and understand the key role of language used for communication and tourism management.

LNG 120     General English                                                                                       3 (3-0-6)          
   This course aims to strengthen basic knowledge of English and to build positive attitudes towards language learning.  Covering all four skills integrated through topics related to everyday English and basic skills-oriented strategy training, the course raises the students’ awareness of both language and learning. And it thus enabling them to understand and use English with relative ease and efficiency. To enhance life-long learning skills, the course then combines classroom learning with self-access learning via the Self-Access Learning Centre to encourage the students to focus on their own specific needs through a task or a mini-project.  To accomplish the tasks, the students are expected to develop language skills and apply strategies learned throughout the course.

LNG 220    Academic English                                                                                     3 (3-0-6)
   The course aims at developing English communication skills covering listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In particular, it emphasises the use of these skills in meaningful communicative tasks in academic and technological contexts. The students will be engaged in a variety of learning activities that foster positive attitudes and confidence in using English. Independent learning skills will also be promoted via self-access learning modes.

LNG 221     Academic English for International Students                                       3 (3-0-6)    
   The course aims at developing the confidence and academic English skills necessary for learners in an international program. The learning and teaching involves the integration of the four language skills, thinking skills and autonomous learning. In terms of reading, the course focuses on reading for main ideas, summarizing skills, critical reading and interpretation skills through the use of real-world content. In terms of writing, the emphasis is on process writing and academic writing to enable learners to effectively use the information gained from reading to support their statements. In terms of speaking, the focus is on sharing opinion and exchanging information on issues related to the learners’ content areas or their field of interest. In terms of listening, the focus is on listening to English talks and taking notes from authentic input.

LNG 222     Academic Listening and Speaking for International Students          3 (3-0-6)          
   This course aims at developing confidence and academic listening and speaking skills necessary for learners in an international program. The teaching and learning styles involve an integration of English into learners’ content areas to enable them to think critically and communicate effectively. Learners will be able to listen to extended speech and lectures in their fields, share ideas and express opinions, conduct an interview for professional, collect data and present a survey project.

LNG 321    Academic Reading and Writing in International Contexts                  3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 221 Academic English in International Contexts and/or LNG 222 Academic Listening and Speaking in International Contexts/  or O-NET part English  >=76%
   The course aims at developing confidence and academic reading and writing skills necessary for learners in an international program. The teaching and learning styles involve an integration of English into learners’ content areas to enable them to read academic articles in their chosen fields. Learners will be able to extract main points from the text, purposefully select required information to support their writing, write different forms of reports in their fields, use information obtained from reading and their own experience in writing an essay, and effectively use references and citations throughout the writing process.

LNG 121    Learning Language and Culture                                                        3 (3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   Study on a special interests related to learning language, culture and language use. The Department will notify further information as it becomes available.

LNG 122    English Through Independent Learning                                             3 (0–6–6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
    Self-based learning theory.  Self-based learning processes. Exposure to and use of English through a structured experience. Reporting and reflecting on the exposure to and use of English and receiving teacher’s advice through the Internet.

LNG 231    Reading Appreciation                                                                           3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   Reading principles and techniques. Reading ia such as documentaries, autobiographies, speeches, short stories, poems and novels. Emphasis on the development of reading appreciation and critical thinking skills.

LNG 232    Basic Translation                                                                                   3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   Translation theories and procedures. Translation methods. Cultural issues and art of translation. Problems in English-Thai and Thai- English translation. Principles and conventional practices of translation. Machine translation. Seminar on translation problems and solutions. Current trends in translation. 

LNG 235    English for Community Work                                                             3 (2-2-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   This course aims at fostering the use of English to pursue community work. It encourages learners to engage in a real world task allowing them to use English in writing a proposal to ask for the community work funding. Positive attitudes and confidence in using English would be highlighted throughout the course.Effective communication skills, life skills and social responsibility would also be reinforced. The use of social media as a means of communication is encouraged in the course.

LNG 243    Reading and Writing for Career Success                                          3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   Reading different types of texts by using effective reading strategies such as manuals and technical texts, project proposal, contracts and e-mails; writing used at work places such as manual, e-mail writing, project proposal; writing culture in foreign companies. 

LNG 250    Thai for Communication and Careers                                              3(3-0-6)
   General knowledge of communication and language for communication, basic knowledge of listening and developing listening skills, basic knowledge of reading and developing reading skills, basic knowledge of speaking and developing speaking skills, basic knowledge of writing and developing writing skills, application of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills for careers.


LNG 251    Speaking Skills in Thai                                                                      3(3-0-6)
   General knowledge of communication and speaking, narrative, job interview, giving opinions and discussion.

LNG 252    Writing Skills in Thai                                                                          3(3-0-6)
   Basic knowledge of writing, using words and sentences, describing ideas, outline writing, paragraph writing, essay writing and different types of articles writing.


LNG 410     Business English                                                                               3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites: LNG 103 or LNG 107
   This course aims to broaden students’ knowledge about business communication and to train students in basic communication skills in English to prepare them for their future careers.  The course emphasizes functional language in business contexts including telephoning, socializing, giving presentations, meeting, negotiating, providing customer service, and dealing with job interview questions and business documents.The course also focuses on communication and awareness about intercultural communication.


LNG 421    Critical Reading                                                                                  3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites:  LNG 120 General English and LNG 220 Academic English or  LNG 221 Academic English in International Contexts andLNG 222 Academic Listening and Speaking in International Contexts
   This course covers the process of reading that goes beyond simply understanding a text. It requires students to consider and evaluate readings by identifying strengths and implications of readings in English. The course provides opportunities for the students to find the reading's weaknesses and flaws. Students will learn to recognise and analyse strategies and styles the author uses in different types of writings to identify potential bias in readings. Ultimately, the students are expected to be able to employ these skills for their academic context and in real lives.


LNG 425    Intercultural Communication                                                             3(3-0-6)
Prerequisites:   LNG 120 General English and LNG 220 Academic English or LNG 221 Academic English in International Contexts and LNG 222 Academic Listening and Speaking in International Contexts
   Basic principles of communication. Concepts of intercultural communication. How intercultural issues could affect elements in communication. Identifying problems and issues in intercultural communication, the language and culture in the media, and computer-mediated intercultural communication through task-based activities and mock-up research projects.   Critical understanding of strategies used in intercultural communication for success in social and professional contexts.

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